Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Talked about Gastault in art class today, which is basically the psychology of how humans interpret visual information. Ever seen the pictures where if you focus on one spot, you see two human faces looking at each other and if you focus on another spot, you see a vase? That's Gastault.

Anyway, my teacher pointed out that a result of humans' visual perception is that basically every culture will interpret certain things the same. Examples are a smiley face or a frowney face. Almost every culture will respond positively and not feel threatened by a picture of a smiley face. He pointed out how cool that was that we all interpret those things the same.

He's right. It is cool. But it isn't coincidence. Humans respond to things like that because they were made with the same design. How can we all respond the same, even though we are separated by oceans and technology? Ever wondered how every culture has some sort of flood story? Maybe its because we didn't randomly evolve but were created with a design in mind. And if we were designed, then we might just have a purpose? And if we have a purpose, we probably need to find out what it is...

Genesis 1:27

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