Thursday, April 12, 2012

Eyes Open


Right now, stop. Wherever you are, stop. Look out the window and stop. Do you see it? What do you see? Do you see what I see? Do you hear what I hear? Maybe you see something new. Did you notice it? Notice when you saw the world in a totally new way?

Before color goes on canvas, before a camera shutter opens, before clay is slapped onto a wheel, the very first ingredient is sight! You must SEE to CREATE! Look, look, LOOK! Inhale the world you live in. Suck it in through a straw, a vaccuum hose, anyway you can. Get it inside you, fill yourself up, even to your fingertips.

Have you ever looked at sunlight? A perfect, soothing gold color. Noticed the way it glints off leaves, illuminates the green from behind. Or how it can pull the red from a brunette's hair? Ever listened to the different voices the wind has? Does it scream today or simply whimper? Is it being playful, kissing at your hair, ruffling the edges of your papers?

This world is too big for us to ever be full. Look, look, look, and then, look beyond. How did the sunlight get its perfect gold? Where does the wind go to sleep? There is beauty here. There is complexity. There is life. There is design. Look, look, look, and then look for the Designer.

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